Restoring the Gastro-Intestinal Ecosystem to a More Pristine State


Modern living has brought tremendous affluence. However, it has come at a price as many of us have had to significantly disordered our interactions with nature to enjoy these benefits.  As a consequence we no longer acquire many of the inputs that we were designed to have. Many of us sit all day long disordering our relationship with exercise. We live in places where it is hard to get adequate sunlight year round or work under incandescent lighting disordering our relationship with sunlight. Entire trophic layers have been removed from the gastrointestinal ecosystem as a matter of public health policy. The food supply has been sterilized and reduced to essentially three grains.  While this has been beneficial for average metabolic and cognitive capacity there has been a lurking dysfunction building within our intestinal ecosystems. New diseases have appeared and exploded in prevalence during the modern era; disease unknown in developing nations. The immune system is part of a complex ecosystem that develops through "stress windows" and depends on continuous interactions with nature - and without appropriate biodiversity, like any ecosystem, will not operate optimally.  iEcotherapy aims to protect your ecosystem from inappropriate disordering by restoring biodiversity and developing life habits that support that restoration.


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