Day 262 Almost 100%

Calf still a little tender but holding up on longer runs. Big difference from before the capsules. Normally it would take weeks and weeks to heal.

This is fast for me to be coming off an injury. This is healing in a much different way than before.

This is fast for me to be coming off an injury. This is healing in a much different way than before.

Staying healthy has always been the challenge so using the capsules everyday until my bowel movements became loose seems to have accelerated my healing by a couple of weeks. I also took three days off of running but that has never worked before. Something is different. Always the possibility I could re-injure, but my new protocol will be to use a capsule at least once every three days and to use as many as required if I feel inflammation breaking through. To have this sort of fine tune control gives me hope that I can accomplish some the physical goals I have set for this year. Is this what it feels like when you trust your body? This is a new feeling and I like it.